Smart custom Bracketing

qDslrDashboard feature request, ideas
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Smart custom Bracketing

Post by slmslvn »

Hey there,

i started using qDslr for taking bracketed images for HDRis a couple of weeks ago. As for a good HDRi needed, i wanted to capture as much dynamic Range as possible. So i started to use ND-Filters to lower the EV of my fastest Shutterspeed Exposure, to get an "unclipped" Sun. In a way it worked, but i ran into the problem that my long exposure Shots took 64 seconds. Because i used my 20mm to crank up the resolution, it took me over 30 minutes to shoot a whole HDRi. During this time, the sun moved of course, so the shadows didnt match anymore and i had a hard time getting the stitching-stuff to work.

I talked to some collegues of mine and we thought that it would be nice if there would be the option to use the ISO to get the long exposure shutterspeed down.

For example you set your Camera to ISO 100 and the bracketing to 10 2EV Stepswould be:


If you now could enable the function that the camera automaticaly sets the ISO for the last 3 or 4 Shots to maybe ISO 400. That would reduce the longest exposure to 4" and the diffence between ISO 100 to ISO 400 in Noise and imagequality isnt that big (D750).
To be able to also use it the other way round would be nice to. For example if your run into the 1/8000 and it starts to repeat it for the folowing exposures.

It would be nice if you guys would consider to put that into the Custom Bracketing function PLLLEAASE! :D

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Re: Smart custom Bracketing

Post by hubaiz »

Will see if I could add this. The shutter calculation do take ISO into account but it is constant so the biggest problem would be making an UI for this.
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