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3040 with d810 not working

Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 23:28
by Hollowcow
I should say I really have no experience and knowledge with setting up routers, i'm just copy paste from youtube videos,
So please help me understand what is wrong.
I have set the TP LINK 3040 as a wifi extender to my home wifi router so I can connect to my home
internet in distance room (did this with the help of a youtube video for wifi extender settings with openwrt)
I have also set it up to work with the nikon D810 and QDSLR (qdslr guide).

When I connect my iphone and ipad to the 3040 as wifi extender it seems to work sometimes and I have
access to internet in a room with no reception at all, but there are times it doesn't really connect.

When i'm plugin my d810 to the 3040 with the usb 3 cable and connecting my iphone or pc to the 3040 "d810" network
I cannot access the camera, I click on the nikon button in the qdslrdhasboard app but nothings happens, I also click on the weird button
to the left (Its says dserver or something) and nothings happens too.
I don't really know what button I suppose to clock on?
My camera screen is not turning on and live view dosn't working (this is indicating it is connected to the 3040 as it should).

I also don't know in which mode the button on the 3040 should be, 3g,wisp,ap??
I have attached a photo to show the basic setup i did.

I would really appreciate your help guys!!!

Re: 3040 with d810 not working

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 08:03
by hubaiz
You should click on the 'Network' button (first from left on iOS). The 'Nikon wireless' button is only used when you are connecting to a Nikon DSLR that have built in wireless or the WU-1a/1b adapter.

From the image I guess the router still has the IP ?
What IP does your home network has?
How did you configure the MR3040 wireless and network settings?
Is ddserver installed? You can check under System->Software (you should have ddserver package V0.2-13)
What manual/video did you follow?