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Can I disable sending image from camera to my phone after taking a shot?

Posted: 04 Jul 2016, 14:16
by hired.goon
I have just purchased the qdslrdashboard app to control my Nikon D750 camera via my Android phone. My main purpose is to use the app as a remote control to take images to remove camera shake. So far so good.

But I do not need to download images from the camera to the phone after taking a shot. I can review using my camera, and it wastes time and battery. I've turned off capture review in the settings but the camera still sends the image to the phone.

Is it possible to disable this feature? Is it an app setting, or a camera setting?

It's possible that the camera will always send an image if it is connected over wi-fi, and there's no way to turn this off, but I'm hoping otherwise.