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Can't auto-download images (Nikon D40)

Posted: 08 Sep 2017, 16:11
by bmp2
Hi, I was glad that a friend pointed me to qDslrDashboard as my trial version of Nikon Camera Control had run out. It appears to do what I want except for one major issue: I can't seem to figure out how to get it to download the photos to my computer automatically, as NCC would do. Note that this is despite setting the capture location to PC (rather than SD card). The camera is a Nikon D40, computer is a Mac, connecting over USB.

Am I doing something wrong or is this just not currently a feature that exists?

Re: Can't auto-download images (Nikon D40)

Posted: 08 Sep 2017, 23:18
by GonzoG
Nikon D40 is no longer supported by Nikon in their API, which is used by qDD so qDD might not work properly with it.

Re: Can't auto-download images (Nikon D40)

Posted: 09 Sep 2017, 06:19
by hubaiz
Nikon D40 should work without any problem, only a bit limited.
For image review in qDslrDashboard settings enable the 'Image review' option and set you D40 capture format to one of the RAW+JPG. qDslrDashboard will then download and display the JPG image after the capture is finished.

You can also long press the qDslrDashboard 'capture' button, it will turn red. In this mode qDslrDashboard will download the image from the camera after the capture. To end this mode long press the 'capture' button again.