Easy one for you ;-)

qDslrDashboard feature request, ideas
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Posts: 15
Joined: 27 Aug 2017, 14:40

Easy one for you ;-)

Post by Jarrod »

I have a very simple qDSLRDashboard request that I think will be very helpful to some new users who have trouble connecting to a DDServer. Can you please change the message that currently says:

"DDServer not found, connecting to IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

to something more specific like:

"Could not automatically detect DDServer on your network. Connecting to IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

or even just:

"Connecting to IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

It may seem like an inconsequential change, but that would have saved me hours. When I read the message the way it is now, I interpreted the "DDServer not found" part as qDSLR completely giving up on finding a DDServer. The "connecting to IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" part did not register at all. I don't know why, but my brain could not see past the first part of the message. Now that I know how the DDserver discovery works, the current message makes sense. But before I understood that it first tries UDP discovery and then fails over to a specific IP, it was confusing and even though I had things configured correctly I thought I had done something wrong.


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