ControlMyCamera ? !

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Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:36

ControlMyCamera ? !

Post by oli4 »

It is really a pitty that the iOS app „ControlMyCamera“ is not making a resurrection.
qdslrDashboard aka ControlMyCamera is by far the best app for tethered shooting, especially for shooting stacks in macro photography. My Nikon Z camera does something called „focus shift“ which is totally intransparent. CamRanger is very expensive and the focus stacking module is very cumbersome.
I‘d greatly appreciate that the sentence on the download page „Currently not available as Apple removed due to a complaint. Working on it to bring it back.“ would vanish to something like „Hurray! It is back in the app store again“.
I‘d also be willing to pay for the app or do sponsor something to make this happen.
Best wishes Olivier
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