Usually i contact Zoltan directly but trought the forum maybe someone else can benefit of it. I recently had to make a video from 3 different viewing angles and i used my Z6 Z7 and Z7II. The cameras were like 15m distant from each other and i also had to climb a bit to reach them given to their position. Also the recording limit of 30min means that if i have to record longer i will have to reach every camera to restart recording.
I now already ordered a TP-Link3020 to create a ddserver. But if i understand that correctly the multiple cameras then have to be connected by USB to the Router over an USB Hub.
Now my question is: is there a possibility to control 3 Cameras connected to a wifi-Network? I tried to connect my Z6 to my Router at home but was not able to reach the camera with qdslrdashboard. Maybe i did something wrong but it is also an other kind of wifi as connecting the camera directly to the smartphone.
any suggestions?
best regards
Controlling multiple nikonZ cameras at once
Re: Controlling multiple nikonZ cameras at once
Could it be possibe to have a ddserver on each camera (everyone with its own Router conncected via USB) and use them somehow in bridge mode to connect those 3 routers to a main router that also runs ddserver and then access with qdslrdashboard to that main router?
I was also looking for wireless USB Hubs but just found old sold out stuff and i don't even know if that could be a solution...
I was also looking for wireless USB Hubs but just found old sold out stuff and i don't even know if that could be a solution...
Re: Controlling multiple nikonZ cameras at once
Unfortunately it is not possible, at least I don't know about it.
You need to connect your controlling device to the camera.
Canon cameras have this functionality where you can connect the camera with wireless to your local network, but for Nikon I don't know about.
You need to connect your controlling device to the camera.
Canon cameras have this functionality where you can connect the camera with wireless to your local network, but for Nikon I don't know about.