Here is a test version for Windows and Linux for those who would like to try the new Interval Controller and the NMX Controller integration.
Windows x64: ... sp=sharing
Windows x86: ... sp=sharing
Windows XP: ... sp=sharing
Linux x64: ... sp=sharing
Linux x86: ... sp=sharing
After downloading the archive just unpack it into existing qDslrDashboard V0.2.9 folder.
On Windows start with qDslrDashboard_nmx.exe
and on Linux start with
On Linux you can also try the Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) connection (you need to wait a bit longer as it is slower then the serial connection)
On Linux the user must be in the dialout group so that qDslrDashboard can access the /dev/ttyACM0 or you can do
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
before starting qDslrDashboard
The Interval controller is accessed with the 'Interval timer' button, if you need the old interval timer long press the button.
The NMX Controller is accessed with the 'Moco' button.
Please let me know about errors/suggestions regarding the Interval Controller and NMX Controller in the forum