Nikon z-series features

qDslrDashboard feature request, ideas
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Nikon z-series features

Post by vavalexus »

Hi everyone!
I use Nikon z6ii camera and gimbal dji RS3. I need the external screen but avoid Atmos Ninja since I am not a pro, so don't want to invest much in such a monitor. I've probably tested most of the application and the most sophisticated are Camera Connect and Control and qdslDashboard, that overcomes all its rivel far ahead! I would say that it is most feature-supported app at the market that supports Type-C - Type-C connection without any HDMI capture and stuff. But nothing is perfect and after testing it a couple of days I would like to make a list of To-Dos / feature requests.

1. The overall connection speed is a bit mediocre, so for example the Camera Connect and Control app provides more smooth Live view picture. With qdslr Dashboard it is a bit jerky. Not of cause as Wi-Fi connection, which is not useable at all, but wired Type-C. I believe it can be better, while the rivals have it smoother.

2. AF. That's doesn’t' quite work as it should. In the camera video mode, there are two main focus mode options - AF-C (constant focus) and AF-F (following focus). There is a button on the camera called AF-ON. It is basically this very AF button in the App. When you in the AF-C, you need to press the button once so the camera can focus (and yes, that works with AF in App), but if you need the camera to focus not once, but always to change the focus, you just hold this AF-ON button on the camera pressed. Should be the same way in the App, you long press it, it becomes red, but it doesn’t autofocus, there is no difference if it is white or red, it focuses only once when it pressed.
For the AF-F it works on the opposite. Camera focus will always adjust, but if you want to prevent it from adjusting, for example if you record a walking person and there are some trees or other peoples in front that you don't want the camera to focus to, you press the button and it leaves the focus where it was. Again, the application AF button should work similar. If being in AF-F mode I long press app AF button till it is red, it should not focus anymore until I de-press it.
That's really important, otherwise you cannot control the focus.

3. There are different focus zones, wide-people, wide-animals, auto-people, auto-animals, point etc. The auto-people mode is really powerful. When there are no people in the viewfinder it focusses automatically, when there is a person and it can detect head/eyes it will focus and follow it. But there is more, when you want to pick an object (not subject/person) to lock and follow focus to, you just tap it in the viewfinder monitor, and it will lock onto it and will follow it. But it will no longer autofocus on a person until you disengage the object mode and reset it back to auto-people (subject mode). To do that you need to press zoom out camera button.
Having said that, I want to point out that app support these modes, but you can switch between them and reset back ONLY with the camera screen and button. So, when you in the auto-people mode it autofocuses on some objects and waits for a subject (person). Once it sees a person it locks and follows the head/eyes. But tapping the App screen won't let you look on the object. You need to do that on the camera screen. Once tapped, now you can move the focus lock-follow frame in the app screen. Need to reset and go back to object mode? Can't do that with the app, you must press the camera zoom-out button. So, it works, but not the way it should. When the camera is on the gimbal, you cannot use its screen and buttons. So really want this to work as I wrote above.

4. Custom buttons. You wrote in the future updates it might be possible. It is really wanted! The app is so cluttered with the buttons I don't need, so overloaded. But say I really often change the focus modes from AF-C to AF-F, and the presets - single focus, people, wide focus etc. It takes much time going to the options to change it. I want to be able to change it on the fly, with the custom buttons assigned to these features.

5. I shoot video 1/60 and during the day always use the variable density ND filter. I judge how strong I should adjust it by the exposure warning zebra on the camera screen. I see the overexposed zones and adjust the filter till I get rid off zebra warning. There is no zebra or other exposure warning in the camera. There are some Live view filters I hardly ever will use, but there are no the basic so important ones. Wish they were implemented.

Well, that's my wish list with totally important for me features. I wouldn’t spend so much time testing it and writing that all, but I see that the App is almost perfect. At least for canon z mirrorless cameras.

I thank you the author of this app for already done job. Keep it please up! You on the right track and almost did it perfect! Thank you!
If you need any help with testing, can help out.
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