Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Open discussion about photography, qDslrDashboard
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Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by hubaiz »

Using the Raspbian stretch image available here
(Release date:2017-11-29)

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sudo raspi-config
set the memory split to 256 in 'Advanced options->Memory Split'


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sudo reboot

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sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
update the system

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sudo rpi-update
download the qDslrDashboard V3.5.5 Stretch image and unpack

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tar -xzvf ~/Downloads/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.5_RPI_Stretch.tar.gz
cd qDslrDashboard_V3.5.5_RPI_Stretch/
install the missing libraries

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sudo apt-get install libjpeg8 libts-0.0-0
run qDslrDashboard with

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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by lefey »

Hi hubaiz!
Thank you for your work!
I have a raspberry model pi 2 b, and completely follow your instruction, but it does not work :(
When I try to start, the process qDslrDashboard is immediately stop.
I am try to install raspbian stretch latest release and exact 2017-11-29 release, but nothing help.
If i remove log output to dev/null in the and try to run again, its only say "Illegal instruction".
What i am doing wrong?
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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by ibirru »

Hi Hubaiz,
the Stretch version could run also in ubuntu Mate on Raspberry ?
If not, could you compile a version also for Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry?

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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by hubaiz »

Don't know, only have Rasbian
Try it.
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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by TxNightSkies »

I followed the directions running Raspbian Stretch and saw the following Error:

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cd ~
tar xzvf ~/Downloads/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI.tar.gz
cd qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI
sudo ./ 
/home/pi/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI/./qDslrDashboard: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I tried add soft-links for new libs to old libs

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cd ~/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI/Qt_Libraries
sudo ln -s /opt/vc/lib/
sudo ln -s /opt/vc/lib/
sudo ln -s /opt/vc/lib/
sudo ln -s /opt/vc/lib/
After adding the softlinks I got a different Error

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cd ~/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI/Qt_Libraries
sudo ./ 
  pi@raspberrypi:~/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI.LibSoftLinksAdded$ QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
  Unable to query physical screen size, defaulting to 100 dpi.
  To override, set QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_WIDTH and QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_HEIGHT (in millimeters).
  qt.qpa.input: X-less xkbcommon not available, not performing key mapping
  glGetError 0x500
I am running Raspbian Stretch:

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cat /etc/os-release 
  PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
  NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
  VERSION="9 (stretch)"

Anyone else seen these problems with running qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI on Raspbian Strech. Will there be another version of qDslrDashboard_V3.5_7 Raspian that is compiled for the newer libbrcm* Libraryies?

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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by hubaiz »

I just updated my Raspbian Stretch and qDslrDashboard is running without any problems.

Did you run the

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sudo rpi-update
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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by TxNightSkies »


I did not do "sudo rpi-update" and just did

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sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
I read on few blogs not to trust "sudo rpi-update"

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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by hubaiz »

Had no problem with rpi-update
Check also this post: ... f=6&t=2746
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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by Kaleido »

First of all:

The "./" command has to be used without "sudo".
When using it in one line together with sudo as a sudo command it causes user right issues as much as I know.

So just launch it from inside the programm folder (qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI) using only "./" - without sudo.


But for me there are also issues to use the Software.

Launching the Programm via ./ there are issues with the latest stabile Stretch Version of Raspian.

I do use a newly set up Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
"Stretch" System is updated, upgraded und Firmware updated as explained in this thread.
All componends are installed without error messages as explained.

But when launching via "./" I get:

/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI $ ./ Zeile 26: /dev/nul: Keine Berechtigung
rpi2@rpi2-"myname":~/qDslrDashboard_V3.5.7_RPI $ * failed to open vchiq instance

!! I do use not the Standard user "pi" but my own username.

I wrote some threads about "vchiq" issues but could not find a solution.

Is there may be a problem with user rights or missing Groups?

Any help?
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Re: Running qDslrDashboard on Raspbian Stretch

Post by hubaiz »

I'm not an RPI expert.
Find this, maybe it helps: ... ion-errors
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