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Re: anybody tested Sony A7 camera with qDslr Dashboard?

Posted: 28 Mar 2015, 14:15
by Dohara
I have a Sony A7r and IPad Air running qdslr dashboard.
Using the Sony Remote Control App, the camera connects fine to qdslr running on the IPad Air2.

Functions seem to work ok, however, using lrtimlapse, the image refresh rate is very slow and not really usable. Not sure if it would work faster on an Android device.

One of the issues may be that the Sony A7r (36mp) does not have a reduced size jpg+raw capability, so the jpg file transfer is a full size jpg and may be slowing thing down.

Re: anybody tested Sony A7 camera with qDslr Dashboard?

Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 06:35
by hubaiz
In the device screen in the 'Camera properties display' there is a button for changing the preview image size (2M / Original)
Do you have it? If yes switch to 2M that should speed up things.

Re: anybody tested Sony A7 camera with qDslr Dashboard?

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 08:13
by xxx33
The entire A7 series depends on the playmemories smart remote app installed inside the camera to make wifi work. This smart remote/wifi app just doesn't work properly so getting qdslrdashboard to work with Sony A7 series is near to impossible. Connecting qdslrdashboard via usb is not possible either.

Once wifi "smart remote" is activated you'll see a processing message after each exposure for almost 2 seconds. With wifi off, writing/processing speed depends on card only. And that's why qdslrdashboard won't work with A7s because during the time when qdslrdashboard is trying to communicate with the camera, the camera is busy with "processing". With really long intervals, you can change exposure manually through qdslrdashboard. Furthermore qdslrdashboard needs to run during the entire timelapse sequence. As soon as one quits qdslrdashboard, the camera stops shooting. And if the wifi connection get's interrupted, the camera will jump to the exposure settings, which were set at the beginning of the timelapse shot. If you've changed exposure during the timelapse sequence and you lose the wifi connection, then your exposure can be way off and/or you can end up missing frames. In any case the timelapse shot is ruined as soon as the connection is lost or qdslrdashboard closes. So with that in mind the only solution is not to use the wifi connection on A7 cams until the smart remote app gets fixed.

If you wan't to use an A7 for timelapse then use it in the old fashioned way, without wifi, by using an external timer and changing exposure manually.

Sony support knows nothing. They'll steal your time by telling you to update and or reset the camera. They won't acknowledge that the smart remote app is faulty and was programmed by people who apparently know nothing about shooting timelapses. Either that or the the software programmers were paid off by another camera manufacturer to ensure Sony's A7 wont work for timelapses.

I contacted 2 Sony product managers regarding the faulty smart remote app, yet without any response. Sony Support doesn't even know who is responsible for programming the app. So there is no way to report bugs or get anything fixed. Sony shuts itself off from any input that could help fix this problem. I even mentioned that due to this faulty app, Sony is missing out on the market segment of users that shoot timelapses. Nobody cares... There's a similar discussion on the lrtimelapse forum ... -down-shoo...
and the conclusion was to forget Sony and get a Nikon. So far I agree!