Average pool size/Correction every frame

qDslrDashbord error reports
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Average pool size/Correction every frame

Post by steinardo »

I am struggling to understand the average pool size wrt to correction every frame.

Eg. use a pool size of 3 and correction every 2 frames - does this mean that the pool size average is covering the last 6 of the total exposures?
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Re: Average pool size/Correction every frame

Post by hubaiz »

Pool size is the number of the measurment qDD will use to calculate the current reference point. So a 3 pool size will mean the average of the last 3 measurment. After a correction the pool is cleared.
'Correction every frame' is the number of frame when an image will be downloaded, analyzed and checked if a correction is needed.
So a 2 frame means that every second JPG is downloaded and analysed. The measurment is used in the average calculation that is finally used to check if a correction is needed.
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Re: Average pool size/Correction every frame

Post by steinardo »

It's just to understand the minimum time frame a correction can be made. So in this example with a pool size of 3 and correction every 2 frames, and let say exposure every 5 seconds - the minimum possible correction rate will be every 2*3*5=30 seconds (given that the floating average is below the reference point)?
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Re: Average pool size/Correction every frame

Post by hubaiz »

No, it will be 2 * 5.
The pool is only for values.
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Re: Average pool size/Correction every frame

Post by mexican »

Since I don't want to create a new thread, I ask one question regarding AHG calculations here.

If I hit the "set reference" button, will the last captured frame be considered or the actual average value as the reference?
If I got it right, when setting the reference, depending current setting for sunrise/sunset, the value I was asking about will be increased/decreased by 10% and used as reference, right? And if the avg pool is less (for sunset) or greater (for sunrise) than the reference value, then the correction is made?
But how exactly is the auto direction evaluated? I'm wondering about the situation when auto direction percentage is set to a value below 10%. I give you an example:

Current frame (or avg pool) has luminosity of 100. Suset mode is configured, hence the reference is set to 90. Auto direction is set to let's say 5%. Light level does not change so the avg. pool is always at 100 which is greater than 90 + 5%. Will then QDD switch to sunrise? What happens then with the reference value? Will it be kept at 90 or changed to let's say 110?
If it changes will then couple of frames later be the mode changed back to sunset, oscilating over and over again between the two?
If yes, does it actually make sense to allow setting auto direction values lower than 10% ?
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