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Capture downloaded not properly closed ?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 15:51
by djoubert
In order to open the jpg file by another application while I am shooting,
I set the download to my PC ( dslrdashboard running on the PC )
I did that using the capture button : "• Long press – will change the capture destination ".
Nevertheless, there is an issue....
The files seem not properly closed until the sequence launched by the timer ( for instance ) to be finished...
I tested that trying to move the previous jpg file from the destination folder to another folder.
I get an error message from windows explaining that the file is still open by another application.
If I close the timer, then I am able to move the file.
Thank you for any help to bypass this bug, waiting to be fixed.

Re: Capture downloaded not properly closed ?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 21:46
by djoubert
I did not notice that I found this bug on the 3.5.1 release.
Actually I found a solution ...
I tried to use the 2.9 release, and with this release it's working properly.
So my guess is that it's a bug linked to the 3.x release.
Thank you to fix it when it should be possible.