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Sony a6000 settings

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 01:26
by martygene
could someone please tell me how to set all the settings on the a6000 for it to work with this dashboard?
I have dashboard installed on a samsung s5 and the program opens fine but i cannot connect to the camera.
I would very much appreciate your help.

Re: Sony a6000 settings

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 08:07
by hubaiz
You need to install the latest Playmemories 'Smart remote control' application: ... _00-F00002
After installing it you start the application on your camera
You connect your controling device (Samsung S5) wireless with the a6000 wireless
Start qDslrDashboard and press the 'Sony wireless' button

Re: Sony a6000 settings

Posted: 05 Mar 2017, 09:53
by Trailhunter

an thanks for the great App.
I've connected qDSLRDashboard to my a6000.
How can I make a timelaps inkluding using LR-Holygrail function?
When I use my extern intervall-timer (connected by wire) (ayex AX-5), me and the app cannot chance the value eg iso or exposure-time. At the Moment till now i stop the intervall time, chances the time manually at the camera and start the timer again.

can i use timelapse and holy grail function in the app at the same time? how?

thx a lot!


Re: Sony a6000 settings

Posted: 05 Mar 2017, 11:17
by Trailhunter
Hello again,

OK, just found my mistake. Mistaken Intervall and Exposure-Time on my Timer! Now i can change the value manuell via qDSLR or Kamera without stopping the Timer.
But the Auto Holy Grail does nothing.
What can i do?


Re: Sony a6000 settings

Posted: 16 May 2017, 21:55
by Mylee-media

Did you found the problem with the autoholygrail? I have the same problem when I start it, the SS nor the ISO are being chagned by the app. I use the iOS app and a A6300. I used the camera in M mode and. I have connection with the device and it is making pictures only the app doesn't change anything....

