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qdslrdashboard v.3.5.3_winx86 crashes directly after connecting

Posted: 16 Sep 2017, 08:58
by meise86

I have a Nikon D5100 connected to a TP-Link ML-3020. Openwrt seems to work fine (Camera detected in Syslog).
I try to connect to the ddserver with a windows 7 x86 Laptop running qdslrdashboard v.3.5.3. When I hit the "network button", the connection info says:

Searching for DDServer
DDServer not found, connecting to IP
List connected DSLR at
Found 1 DSLR at IP
Connecting to DDServer DSLR NIKON NIKON DSC D5100

after this, qdslrdashboard does no longer response and windows asks to close the program.

I do not know where to start since there is no error message. Are there any suggestions how to find (and fix) the problem?


Re: qdslrdashboard v.3.5.3_winx86 crashes directly after connecting

Posted: 17 Sep 2017, 08:30
by hubaiz
How do you connect your laptop to the MR3020 (wireless or network cable) ?
Is your laptop only connected to the MR3020 or also it is connected to your home network?