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Connecting Chromebook via USB

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 14:45
by Reji
I just got a Chromebook (Asus C434TA), installed qDslrDashboard plugged my D850 in USB A port and the Chromebook opens the Files window, it sees my memory cards as external drives, when I open qDslrDashboard and try to connect via USB it does not find the camera.

Is there a way to make Chrome OS see my camera as a camera and connect to qDslrDashboard.

Everything is working perfectly when connecting with TP-Link MR3040 and "directly" to Nikon WiFi.

Re: Connecting Chromebook via USB

Posted: 06 Dec 2019, 10:15
by hubaiz
I would say the problem is that your Chromebook automatically mounts the camera SD card and because of that qDslrDashboard can't connect to the camera. Check if there is some settings to disable automount.