Just discovered the app and it's great to be able to use my a6000 on my Mac, as Imaging Edge doesn't support live view (and is not very stable).
Was hoping though that keyboard shortcuts could be integrated which would make workflow better. Even just a few like these would be great to start with:
Space Bar = Take photo
A = Aperture list (toggles on and off with button press)
S = Shutter list (toggles on and off with button press)
I = Iso list (toggles on and off with button press)
When in the lists using arrow up/down would be handy to change the values (or even directly type in the number would be great too. Like if you're in the Iso list and type 800 it would jump straight to 800, type 100 and it jumps to 100 etc).
Another would be in the image viewer if you could use the arrow keys to quickly jump from one image to the next, which would make reviewing and comparing shots quicker.