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Feature request: Bulp-ramping decreasing

Posted: 09 Jun 2015, 20:14
by Makke79

at first I want to thank you for this absolutely brilliant tool. I use it with my D7100 and D300 on an android and it works absolutely perfect. I now have started testing around the intervalometer build in the LRtimelapse Mode. Unfortunately I do not really understand the way of working for the ramping. As I mostly do timelapse for sunsets, it would be a famous tool if I could programm the dashboard with an increasing curve for the delay, e.g, increase the intervalls each 20 minutes for 2 seconds. So if I start at sunset, every 10 seconds a picture is taken with a bulb time of 1 second and it would be great to end automatically with a delay of 20 seconds and a bulb time of 8 seconds. I can only achieve the opposite (the intervall decreases...)
I have attached a sketch of what I am thinking about. Maybe I do just use the intervalometer not correct?

Re: Feature request: Bulp-ramping decreasing

Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 04:41
by hubaiz
The interval controller I'm working on will allow that.

Re: Feature request: Bulp-ramping decreasing

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 19:30
by Makke79

thanks for the Update. In meantime I am curious if there is any progress as there has been nothing new for a while now :))