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keyboard shortcuts

Posted: 15 Mar 2015, 12:05
by jupf
Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts available for dslrdashboard running OS X? By now I noticed that "alt" and "enter" keys activate capture, while "cmd" and "shift" open ISO adjustments and exposure compensation. Since I change running apps by pressing "cmd/TAB" the exposure compensation window is open after returning to dslrdashboard and has to be closed with an extra click. It would be very useful to switch or deactivate some of the shortcuts.
I also noticed, that after some roundtrips to other apps, dslrdashboard sometimes drops connection to the camera and I wonder whether this could be caused by pressing special keys in other apps.
As a feature request: a shortcut for zooming in/out would be very helpful.

best regards

Re: keyboard shortcuts

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 08:53
by hubaiz
There are some keyboard shortcuts but are not worked out yet. I needed it for a test project and they stayed there.
I would need to add some keyboard customization screen.