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Control multiple cameras from PC?

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 17:23
by InSides
Hi all,
new to the forums here. Allow me to express my gratitude for the fine work being done with dslrdashboard, and the lengths its developer goes to accomodate users.

That said, been searching for a while, but couldn't find any mention to what I am trying to do.

I am trying to control three separate DSLRs via dslrdashboard. At the same time.

Platform: PC
DSLR: Nikon D5200
Connection: Wireless through MR-3040

I have configured all three routers to three different subnet/octets so each can connect to a separate wireless adapter to the same PC. The PC has three wireless adapters (and can continuisly access three separate wireless networks).

That said, once I launch dslrdashboard, I can connect to the three cameras immediately - BUT - I can only see one of them at a time. The PC has three monitors attached, so ideally, I would want to be able to see live view from all three at the same time.

NOW - I managed to do this by opening three instances of dslrdashboard and connecting to each camera. Live view works, and can control each camera.

But there is a problem - as soon as I hit record at any of these instances - dslrdashboard crashes.

Any thoughts?