ddserver package updater

The ddserver package updater allows updating the ddserver package on the MR3040 without the need of flashing the device firmware again.

This will only work if your MR3040 already has the OpenWrt firmware.

You will need a Windows machine connected to MR3040 (bot wireless and wired connection will work), the MR3040 root passowrd (you was asked to change the root password the first time you accessed the OpenWrt web interface) the MR3040 IP ( by default).

If you didn’t set a root password yet then open your web browser and enter as address (your PC should be connected to MR3040). On the web page you get you will have a link where you can change the ‘root’ password (to login just press the ‘Login’ button and leave the ‘password’ field empty)

  1. Download and unpack the
  2. Open a command prompt (hit Win+R and enter cmd)
  3. Navigate to the folder where you unpacked the ddserver package updater (cd \temp\ddserver_package_unpacker)
  4. enter the following: update_ddserver.bat root_password ddserver_0.2-13_ar71xx.ipk
  5. hit Enter


  • root_password – is the root password you set on the MR3040
  • – is the IP address of the MR3040 (this is by default, if you changed you should know to what did you change)
  • ddserver_0.2-13_ar71xx.ipk – this is the actual ddserver package for the MR3040 (and other ar71xx devices)

You should get somthing like this:

d:\temp\ddserver>update_ddserver.bat root_password ddserver_0.2-13_a
d:\temp\ddserver>pscp.exe -scp -l root -pw root_password ddserver_0.2-13_ar71xx.ipk
The server's host key does not match the one PuTTY has
cached in the registry. This means that either the
server administrator has changed the host key, or you
have actually connected to another computer pretending
to be the server.
The new rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 1039 8c:14:93:7c:8f:ac:b6:1d:3a:29:af:f3:2b:8b:d9:13
If you were expecting this change and trust the new key,
enter "y" to update PuTTY's cache and continue connecting.
If you want to carry on connecting but without updating
the cache, enter "n".
If you want to abandon the connection completely, press
Return to cancel. Pressing Return is the ONLY guaranteed
safe choice.
Update cached key? (y/n, Return cancels connection) y
ddserver_0.2-13_ar71xx.ip | 10 kB | 10.3 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
d:\temp\ddserver>plink.exe -ssh -l root -pw root_password -batch /et
c/init.d/ddserver stop; opkg remove ddserver; opkg install /tmp/ddserver_0.2-13_
ar71xx.ipk; /etc/init.d/ddserver start; rm /tmp/ddserver_0.2-13_ar71xx.ipk
Stoping DslrDashboardServer (ddserver)
ddserver stoped
Removing package ddserver from root...
Installing ddserver (0.2-13) to root...
Configuring ddserver.
Starting DslrDashboardServer (ddserver)
Saving PID 1727 to /var/run/
DslrDashboard server started

If you get the ‘WARNING – POTENTIAL SECURITY BREACH!’ message just press the ‘y’ key and Enter as I did.

After the update is finished you can check in OpenWrt web interface if the update was a success. Open a browser window and enter as address.  Login with your MR3040 ‘root’ password and navigate to System->Software.

You should see a package with ‘ddserver’ and with version ‘0.2-13’